Today, I watched the film 'Avatar 2 - The Way of Water,' directed by James Cameron. The story primarily revolves around the process of Earthlings colonizing the planet Pandora, and the revenge story that unfolds between the Earthling, Miles, and the local inhabitant, Jake, due to personal conflicts. In the film, Jake's adopted daughter, Kiri, caught my attention. Kiri possesses a remarkable spirituality, allowing her to connect with and control the "Tree of Life" in the ocean, sensing her past lives and present. She can also summon "water butterflies" and, with their help, rescue her mother and sister trapped underwater.
It is reported that there will be several more sequels to Avatar, so I couldn't help but imagine and craft a final conclusion for Avatar:
In the midst of the most intense battle, Kiri establishes a spiritual connection with the Mother of Pandora, and the immense energy of the planet flows into her through her crown instantly, granting her infinite cosmic power. At that moment, a thought of ceasefire arises in her mind, causing all weapons and machinery to cease operation, and everyone becomes immobile. Anyone entertaining thoughts of continuing the attack instantly feels excruciating heart pain, as if pierced by a thousand arrows, making it impossible to breathe. Only when thoughts of love and peace emerge, the pain immediately vanishes. In the end, the warring parties shake hands and make peace, living in harmony for generations on Pandora...